Welcome to REInvest

REInvest is an owner-managed company that, through its experienced team and close partnerships, has a broad pan-European network at all levels of the real estate value chain.

The track record amounts to more than 200 transactions and more than € 4.5 billion in volume.


The Services

diverse & precise

REInvest offers strategic and operational asset management for real estate investments in Europe. The range of services extends from strategic consultancy at real estate and fund level, through transaction and financing consultancy, right up to the structuring of regulated and non-regulated investment vehicles for professional investors.

Tailor-made solutions for our clients are at the heart of our commitment.

Learn more

Meet our team

Luxembourg as a Location

Investment Locations

liquid & dynamic

  • The current portfolio is geographically diversified with investments located across 13 European countries.
  • The highest concentration of managed assets by number and volume is currently in the United Kingdom, Germany and France.
  • The team is experienced in many other European countries.
  • Currently, the entry into a new European real estate market is being arranged

The REInvest Group

Asset Management blended with Services to match

The REInvest Group invests in and manages properties in various asset classes across Europe. Through its specialized companies, it offers professional investors corporate services, strategic and operational asset management, investment management and fund management services.

Visit the pages of REInvest Group and REInvest Services and get an idea of our services.